Fisting gay bars nyc

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Queens like Ruby Roo and Ragamuffin can be seen regularly performing in this bunker of a bar. THIS N’ THAT: Some of New York’s most innovative drag shows are happening at this artsy, hipster haunt. The pop art-inspired stage has hosted popular performers like Candis Cayne, Sherry Vine and the winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race season eight, Bob the Drag Queen, while the sofas in the lounge area make it a great place to hang with friends or snuggle up next to a handsome stranger.īarracuda is located at 275 West 22nd Street between 7th and 8th Avenues in Chelsea (21). Decades after its opening, Barracuda still serves up the welcoming atmosphere of a local dive with a stylish twist. BARRACUDA: Look for the red light over the door of this Chelsea stalwart.

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