Latin gay bar chicago

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In October, Richard Wimer, aīartender at Giovanni's, relocated to Los Angeles. 25, '78 they had a raffle where the first prize was a free trip to Acapulco. In January '78, Cesar Ubalde became the manager of the bar, as well as working Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays atĬrystal Blinkers. On New Year's Eve '77, the bar had a free champagneīuffet.

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Giovanni's was a Latin-flavored bar, with Salsa on Wednesday nights. 30, 1977 (by October 1978 it was Macho/Chicago, a gay men's leather bar, and is Forgive my lack of info but some of these gay/gay-friendly bars I knowĪbsolutely nothing about, apart from the address. Maybe it was one of the bars in the following article.

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I often get inquiries from readers, saying, 'I went to this bar, I don't remember the name, or exactly where it These days, we are used to bars opening and staying open for years, but back in the 20th century things were different. This article shared 6478 times since Wed Jul 9, 2003

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